Why elan organics Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream?
Serenity progesterone cream is free of petroleum derivatives, Chinese materials and is meticulously formulated in small batches using only the purest form of USP progesterone, manufactured exclusively in the United States. Serenity progesterone cream is cruelty-free, petroleum-free, GMO-free and 100% plant-derived.
Why So Much Conflicting Information on Estrogen?
Estrogen in itself furnishes many good benefits in the female body when it is naturally occurring and in the correct amounts each month. However it’s important to make a distinction between the 27 different healthy estrogens our body makes versus the SYNTHETIC estrogens that are found in most commercial meat and dairy, the pesticides on produce and the petroleum based chemicals found in personal, cleaning & fragrance products that act like estrogens by plugging into hormone receptors. (steroid hormones plug into to hormone receptor sites, much the same way a key plugs into a lock) The Synthetics Synthetic estrogens have been studied and proven for decades to have harmful side effects, this is why when you go on birth control or HRT you are given papers that have long lists of many of the side-effects and risks associated with the use synthetic hormones. All synthetic hormones even synthetic progesterone, called progestin, have side-effects and are potentially dangerous. Some very common side-effects that you may have even experienced yourself are: Migraine Mood swings Depression irritability Appetite loss/increase Sleep disorders Water retention Increase risk of blood clotting/stroke/heart attack Bone loss These are just a few estrogen dominance symptoms and associated risks of using birth control and HRT. This very important distinction between synthetic hormones and biologically identical hormones, which is almost always confused, is the one the most important parts of your education on this topic. Did you know that a cycling woman only requires 1/3rd mg of estrogen 14 days out of the month? Conversely, during the 14 days progesterone phase, your body requires 22-25mg/day of progesterone. Why would we be getting enough estrogen but not be making enough progesterone? Well let’s look at one very common source of estrogen. An average piece of chicken that is grown commercially and fed hormones has 2-3 mg of estrogen per 4 oz serving! If you ate 20 ounces of chicken a week, even with your liver bypassing 80% of the hormones your eating, your still ingesting 16 mg all month long and that’s just from chicken. It’s noteworthy to see how easy it is to get too much estrogen in our system and that estrogen can and will block normal progesterone production and function. If I am a vegan, why would I need to be on progesterone cream? We need to highlight envrironmental estrogens, how many chemicals are in the average home and how they are estrogenic after being inhaled and applied to the skin. The Naturals Naturally occurring estrogens (estrogens that your body makes) are very important for women. When natural estrogen is in balance with progesterone and in the correct phase of the month it has many important roles in both genders. A few of these benefits for women are: Maintaining of the uterus Promotes ovulation ……Looking for a better word here than promote, the info I read on this is as follows: Surge in estrogen level induces the release of luteinizing hormone, which then triggers ovulation by releasing the egg from the Graafian follicle in the ovary. Increased sexual receptivity Stimulate endometrial growth Thickening of the vaginal wall Primary hormone to promote female secondary* sex characteristics Aids in protecting arteries from damage thus lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease Aids to the sheading and rebuilding of bone tissue Here is another interesting fact, only when estrogens are balanced with progesterone can they have the positive effect that they were meant to have. Without progesterone to balance estrogen they can actually cause harm! There is even a name for it… its called Estrogen Dominance. This syndrome has a very long list of unpleasant symptoms and syndromes. If you think you might be living with estrogen dominance take our fast, simple quiz here and see if your lifestyle is putting you at higher odds for this disorder. Consequences of Estrogen Dominance Estrogen dominance, almost always caused by synthetic sources, is also a leading cause of many female specific diseases in women of all ages. In clinical studies, estrogen molecules have been shown to increase the amount of unstable/abnormal cell growth, while the progesterone molecule has shown to do the exact opposite! Abnormal cells have stopped growing when progesterone is present*. Lets put a little footnote below with a link to that cell growth study; we need to start dabbling into the cell growth disease prevention and help even though this is just the overview. We should consider the direct effect of one of the most commonly experienced female diseases, Endometrioses. Estrogen is the hormone responsible for the thickening of the endometrium; it is by design a cell grower, which has a natural purpose when balanced by progesterone. However the….David can you please help me here? I’ve been researching this topic for two days now and just cant’ seem to come up with the correct verbiage to give a simple clear example of the roles of both hormones in this disease. Please keep it conversational simple and scientific. The master hormone progesterone is pretty amazing! So while natural estrogen certain is a necessary, beneficial hormone in the female body, the overdose of it can be a hazard. It can and will cause us a lot of unnecessary health problems. We live in an estrogen rich environment. Estrogen MUST be balanced by the master (or one that controls) female hormone, progesterone. Is there more you can do? <I think this would be a good place to have a link to info on hormone healthy lifestyle (which is going to be the title on one of our pages as you’ll see below) and YL oils. Progesterone that is being taken as a supplement needs to be biologically identical to what your body already makes and in a topical form thus making it free from side effects that synthetic hormones offer. Why is this?
Why Would I Have a Hormone Imbalance?
Our hormones control a large part of us. Steroid hormones can even make genetic changes or alterations to certain parts of our body. Progesterone and Estrogens are steroid hormones and as we have discussed in previous pages they each have a very unique and sometimes opposite effect in our body. But there is another factor that many of our ancestors never had to face that we are bombarded with today. Synthetic hormones and chemicals that act just like a synthetic hormone in the body. Chemical or synthetic hormones are disruptors to the normal and natural female hormone function. Where are these chemical and synthetic hormone-like molecules coming from, you might wonder? And how do they act like a hormone? Our bodies have what are called hormone receptors. This is the place where a hormone plugs in so it can be used by the body. When a foreign molecule (or one that is not biologically identical) plugs into the a receptor, not only can it block the natural hormone molecules from doing their normal jobs, but it can also create imbalances and thus the side-effects that go with that imbalance. Unfortunately our modern day environment is the primary source of these hormone-like chemicals that are similar enough to estrogen that they are able to plug into estrogen receptors and cause all sorts of side-effects. Here are some of the leading sources of these chemicals and synthetic hormones. Plastic- the plastic molecule is estrogenic in the body and will plug into our hormone receptor sites and not only block our natural hormone from assimilation but have an estrogenic effect on our hormone balance. We have reusable plastic in our everyday lives and almost every type of it either instantly or over time, will letch into whatever substance we have in it. This can significantly affect our hormone balance. Mineral oil is also estrogenic in the body and is called a petro chemical. It is being processed from petroleum and is a chemical that has been newly introduced to our beauty care within the last 75 years. It is the base oil of almost every single commercial and even some ‘natural’ lotions, body butters, liquid foundations, popery, hair care, perfumes, fragranced bathroom supplies, personal care, candles, plugins, car air fresheners and more. Could you have some of these items in your life? You can be throwing your hormone balance off without even realizing it. All commercial Meat, Dairy and Eggs that aren’t labeled as being Never fed or 100% hormone free, 100% grass fed, 100% cage free, or certified organic are full of synthetic estrogens. They are not only fed high amounts of synthetic estrogen but in many cases are also injected with the hormone in addition to what they eat in the feed. The word natural has lost almost all its meaning in the food industry unfortunately. Eating more plant proteins, reading labels, researching reputable companies as well as trying to utilize local small farms should be a very important part of your food regimen. When you think about switching to hormone-free animal products, you may not feel that overwhelmed, because they are usually pretty clearly labeled, with the exception of what you eat in restaurants. However, it can get tricky when it comes to the huge array of products that go under the heading of fragrance/home/personal care. I don’t want to make you feel hopeless, however, it is clear that getting balanced is a process and a lifestyle change. We want to help. We have composed a page at ********* that has a list of the most commonly used chemicals. You can print it out and take it to the store with you, as a guide for choosing products that will not imbalance your hormones! We have also expanded our product support line and are now offering %100 natural and safe home and personal care products.<YLJ> We also have a line of organic, biodegradable feminine hygiene care and baby wipes. There is great benefit in using supplemental, bio identical progesterone to balance your hormones and help prevent estrogen dominance. Remember, since it’s the master hormone, progesterone, when utilized in the proper time of the month and at the correct amount, can block estrogens from the receptor sites and aid in balancing estrogen dominance.
Hormones in Your Lifetime
Approximately a billion people today are living with a hormone imbalance. Your hormones are responsible for a very large part of your total body health. Progesterone is the master female hormone and is known as the precursor or hormone from which many other steroid hormones are made, including estrogen and testosterone. To help you better understand your body, we’ve broken down some of the simple hormonal processes at different ages and the important role progesterone and estrogens play (both primary sex hormones for women) .
How Can I Benefit?
Progesterone is the master female sex hormone and exists in both woman and men. However did you know that progesterone’s benefits, in both genders, don’t stop in the hormone department. Lets consider some of the other remarkable benefits that progesterone has in our body: Stimulating healthy thyroid function. A healthy thyroid helps things like energy, mood, hair and weight, all be at their best. Progesterone increases the metabolism, which is responsible for how were convert food to energy and thus aids to managing a healthy weight. Balances blood sugar levels Can normalize blood clotting, that means that progesterone is helpful to more than just cramping during PMS, but clotting in the veins of both genders It stimulates the production of bone tissue cells, and helps with skin elasticity would like a little more on that Progesterone promotes healthy sleep patterns Helps gums stay healthy and strong Progesterone is a natural diuretic Progesterone is known as the happy hormone it has also been shown to decrease depression and anxiety. Progesterone inhibits a chemical in the brain that is responsible for breaking down serotonin while enhancing the serotonin receptors. Serotonin is the feel good brain chemical. *On a side note to the brain, studies are being conducted that have shown that progesterone supports the normal development of neurons in the brain, and that the hormone has a protective effect on damaged brain tissue.
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“Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.” – P.J O’Rourke.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet iaculis ipsum aliquet ultricies. Sed a tincidunt enim. Maecenas ultrices viverra ligula, vel lobortis ante pulvinar sed. Donec erat magna, aliquam vitae semper vitae, accumsan vel nisl. Vivamus pellentesque orci sit amet odio dictum eget commodo nulla consequat. Proin iaculis tristique nisl ut eleifend. Maecenas lacus purus, malesuada eu scelerisque ac, commodo sed orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur a tortor ut leo mattis cursus. Vestibulum laoreet interdum pellentesque. Suspendisse vitae cursus urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla velit metus, ornare vitae malesuada in, fermentum ac turpis. Vestibulum convallis pulvinar tellus eget ultricies. Sed sollicitudin, sem vitae elementum euismod, velit arcu mattis diam, in scelerisque purus lorem eget elit. Sed vitae nunc in metus semper hendrerit. Curabitur metus felis, interdum quis sodales at, aliquam eu eros. Proin ac lacus urna, vel pulvinar ante. Integer posuere, sapien ut iaculis molestie, justo quam ultrices orci, eu laoreet nisl libero vel elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet iaculis ipsum aliquet ultricies. Sed a tincidunt enim. Maecenas ultrices viverra ligula, vel lobortis ante pulvinar sed. Donec erat magna, aliquam vitae semper vitae, accumsan vel nisl. Vivamus pellentesque orci sit amet odio dictum eget commodo nulla consequat. Proin iaculis tristique nisl ut eleifend. Maecenas lacus purus, malesuada eu scelerisque ac, commodo sed orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur a tortor ut leo mattis cursus. Vestibulum laoreet interdum pellentesque. Suspendisse vitae cursus urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla velit metus, ornare vitae malesuada in, fermentum ac turpis. Vestibulum convallis pulvinar tellus eget ultricies. Sed sollicitudin, sem vitae elementum euismod, velit arcu mattis diam, in scelerisque purus lorem eget elit. Sed vitae nunc in metus semper hendrerit. Curabitur metus felis, interdum quis sodales at, aliquam eu eros. Proin ac lacus urna, vel pulvinar ante. Integer posuere, sapien ut iaculis molestie, justo quam ultrices orci, eu laoreet nisl libero vel elit. Maecenas ultrices viverra ligula, vel lobortis ante pulvinar sed. Donec erat magna, aliquam vitae semper vitae, accumsan vel nisl. Vivamus pellentesque orci sit amet odio dictum eget commodo nulla consequat. Proin iaculis tristique nisl ut eleifend. Maecenas lacus purus, malesuada eu scelerisque ac, commodo sed orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur a tortor ut leo mattis cursus. Vestibulum laoreet interdum pellentesque. Suspendisse vitae cursus urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla velit metus, ornare vitae malesuada in, fermentum ac turpis. Vestibulum convallis pulvinar tellus eget ultricies. Sed sollicitudin, sem vitae elementum euismod, velit arcu mattis diam, in scelerisque purus lorem eget elit. Sed vitae nunc in metus semper hendrerit. Curabitur metus felis, interdum quis sodales at, aliquam eu eros. Proin ac lacus urna, vel pulvinar ante. Integer posuere, sapien ut iaculis molestie.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet iaculis ipsum aliquet ultricies. Sed a tincidunt enim. Maecenas ultrices viverra ligula, vel lobortis ante pulvinar sed. Donec erat magna, aliquam vitae semper vitae, accumsan vel nisl. Vivamus pellentesque orci sit amet odio dictum eget commodo nulla consequat. Proin iaculis tristique nisl ut eleifend. Maecenas lacus purus, malesuada eu scelerisque ac, commodo sed orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur a tortor ut leo mattis cursus. Vestibulum laoreet interdum pellentesque. Suspendisse vitae cursus urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla velit metus, ornare vitae malesuada in, fermentum ac turpis. Vestibulum convallis pulvinar tellus eget ultricies. Sed sollicitudin, sem vitae elementum euismod, velit arcu mattis diam, in scelerisque purus lorem eget elit. Sed vitae nunc in metus semper hendrerit. Curabitur metus felis, interdum quis sodales at, aliquam eu eros. Proin ac lacus urna, vel pulvinar ante. Integer posuere, sapien ut iaculis molestie, justo quam ultrices orci, eu laoreet nisl libero vel elit.