Is bio identical progesterone cream right for me?
How would you know if you are suffering from the harmful effects caused by too much estrogen and not enough progesterone? Where do we begin? Let’s examine a few different sources in everyday life that are proven hormone disruptors and create imbalances in your body.
For decades scientists have studied the ill-effects of xenoestrogens (xeno=foreign) and their effect on the endocrine system. The endocrine system is the collection of glands that produce our hormones. These hormones regulate metabolism, growth & development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep & mood, among many other things. Xenoestrogens have hormone-like activity in the body of both genders and are known as endocrine disruptors.
Since the endocrine system is responsible for our hormone production, today’s chemical environment is the First of two primary causes of hormone imbalance and low progesterone levels.
We are continually flooded with too many xenoestrogens, which are negatively affecting our endocrine system, resulting in our body not being able to make enough of our own natural progesterone. Where do these Xenoestrogens and other toxic chemicals come from? They are extremely prevalent in almost all personal care & beauty products (even when the label says “Natural”), plastics in contact with food & beverages, pesticides (this is why so many choose Organic), cleaning products and all synthetic fragrances. There are more than 100,000 petroleum based ingredients in use by the cosmetic industry today (petroleum is a xenoestrogen)!